The Bushwalking Australia Associations Liability policy protects office bearers, committee members and general members of incorporated organisations (i.e. clubs, state peak bodies and Bushwalking Australia) from being personally pursued for ‘wrongful acts’ that lead to claims against either the affiliate member organisation, the member/office bearer personally, or both. There have been considerable claims made in Australia against individuals for wrongful acts made in running of an association which have seen personal assets of members and office bearers put at stake. The Associations Liability cover gives members peace of mind that should they make a financial decision in carrying out their official duties that results in an action against them, they will be covered subject always to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy.
The office bearers, committee members and general members of an incorporated club affiliated with their state peak bushwalking body, and that have Public Liability insurance are automatically covered by this policy. The cost of this policy is met from Bushwalking Australia annual affiliation fees.
Policy Documents
For legal reasons it is not desirable to have full details of this policy publicly available. Member clubs requiring further information, or a copy of this policy should email the Bushwalking Australia Insurance Contract Manager at