
Publications – Submissions

Submission to the Federal Department of Infrastructure & Transport on the Draft Walking, Riding and Access to Public Transport Report (February 2013)

Bushwalking Australia welcomes this Report as a long-overdue admission of the importance of walking in addressing major issues facing Australia today. It is perhaps the first document to mention walking in its title in more than 100 years since Federation.

Read online at:

Submission on the Draft Walking, Riding & Access to Public Transport Report (February 2013)

Submission to the Department of Infrastructure & Transport on the Draft National Road Safety Strategy (February 2011)

The strategy offers a number of insightful observations and positive recommendations, most of which our members (who are also motorists and cyclists as well as walkers) would welcome. Our main criticism is that insufficient attention is given to walking safety and amenity

Submission on the Draft National Road Safety Strategy 2011 – 2020

Submission to Federal Government’s Independent Review of Sport (July 2009)

Bushwalking is a high participation, low impact activity that people can enjoy throughout most of their lives. This is abundantly clear from the ERASS data. Yet despite the huge amount of physical activity it delivers to the population at large, bushwalking and other forms of recreational walking receive very little official recognition or support.

Submission to the Federal Independent Review of Sport

Submission to House of Representatives Inquiry into Obesity in Australia

Executive Summary:

Walking is the most significant form of physical activity and the key to controlling and reversing the obesity epidemic. Walking also provides win-win benefits for tackling many other emerging issues across all facets of government, such as climate change, peak-oil, congestion, social cohesiveness, and general well-being, as well countering many other health issues besides obesity.

Fortunately, there are a number of simple low-cost, but far reaching actions the government must take, in partnership with key community organizations. Recreational walking groups in particular, have a vital role to play in increasing the level of walking within the community.

Submission to House of Representatives Inquiry into Obesity into Australia