Members - Queensland

Bushwalking Queensland Inc

 fullsizeoutput d42

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PO Box 12884

George Street QLD 4003


Bushwalking Queensland Inc. (BWQ) is the Federation of 26 bushwalking clubs in Queensland, representing some 1800 members.
The objects of BWQ are:

  1. To provide an association for Queensland bushwalking clubs;
  2. To represent, promote and protect the interests of member clubs;
  3. To assist member clubs in administration, training and any other matter associated with bushwalking;
  4. To co-operate with other organisations for the protection and advancement of mutual interests;
  5. To promote bushwalking as a not-for-profit recreational activity in Queensland;
  6. To promote the establishment and sound management of State parks and forests, other natural areas, and reserves, for their conservation and sustainable use through access, in Queensland.


The Association has monthly committee meetings usually held on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6.30pm, at the home of the Secretary. General meetings are held about every three months and each member club is entitled to send along two voting representatives to the meetings and any visitor of an affiliated club is welcome to attend and present his/her views.

FMR Inc.:

FMR Inc. is the bushwalking rescue organisation in Queensland and provides bushwalking training to members of affiliated clubs.


Bushwalking Queensland Inc. has formed a relationship with Diabetes Qld and is involved in fundraising treks. See the Community Involvement page on their web site for upcoming treks.